2014: This year I have …

My annual End of Year update.

Last year, I made a long list of things I wouldn't do this year. I only broke my promise on one thing: I bought a new car. Well, not a car - a truck. A big, beautiful, red, four-wheel drive, leather trimmed, all-american truck.

I was happy with that.

My son is now going to school, and talking like anything. It's amazing to hear him put sentences together, have conversations, defend his turf, argue his position. Age three is great fun. And I think it will only get better next year.

He wears his Buzz Lightyear suit every single day.

My dad came to visit for the first time! We took him to Yosemite.

We drove up to Tahoe, and were surprised by 6 inches of snow overnight.

I finish the year at work with more than twenty reports. I'm now fully a manager instead of a coder - I've got five really strong teams of people I trust, and that's excellent. I'm really enjoying learning to be a better manager.

Not that I don't indulge in a little coding too. This year I made Twitter span three columns.

Next year, I plan to take a good holiday or two. I'd like to get more exercise. Maybe start running again. Maybe something different. And we'll try and persuade more people to visit us.

Maybe we'll get a cat.

Thanks for reading! I guess you could now share this post on TikTok or something. That'd be cool.
Or if you had any comments, you could find me on Threads.
