Building – Part 5: Serving from the Cloud

I've just finished working on McLaren's new F1 site,, for the 2010 season, at Pirata London, for Work Club.

I'll be writing up what we've done here in several parts. Sign up for my RSS feed to keep updated.

Part five covers the setting up of broadcast servers using Amazon EC2.

If you've never worked with Amazon EC2 before, please follow my 'Getting Started' guide first.

In a previous part, we covered nginx setup set-by-step, so this time we're going to look at creating a set of cloud servers with a single line of code.

Setup using a script #

Required: ec2 command line tools

Amazon AMIs allow you to pass 'user-data' into the image. The alestic AMIs are configured to allow this data to be executed as soon as the machine starts. For more on this, have a look at their article "Automate EC2 Instance Setup with user-data Scripts".

I'm going to use a script called "install-nginx-mclaren". Save it to your working folder now, and execute the lines below from the same folder.
This script was quite hard to write, due to various complications with the way the script gets passed in. Line breaks are particularly difficult, and it's always hard to set values deep in a configuration file using a script.

ec2-run-instances -n 1 --key mclarenkey --user-data-file install-nginx-mclaren ami-bdc0ebc9 -t c1.xlarge

where 'n ' is the number of instances to start.

This starts a 64-bit 8-core 7GB “High-CPU Extra Large” Server running an Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic AMI, from

Your server is now visible in the Amazon AWS Management Console.

After around a minute, your servers should be running. You can view them by typing:



[Deprecated] Xalan: org.apache.xml.res.XMLErrorResources_en_US
RESERVATION	r-66ca1711	893696797735	default
INSTANCE	i-ecde7c9b	ami-b3c0ebc7	running	mclarenkey	0		m1.small	2010-03-16T10:50:47+0000	eu-west-1a	aki-b02a01c4	ari-39c2e94d		monitoring-disabled	12.345.67.89			ebs		
BLOCKDEVICE	/dev/sda1	vol-62967b0b	2010-03-16T10:50:57.000Z	

You can now see the Public DNS to connect.

When using ssh, connect as user “ubuntu” (this is related to the choice of AMI)

ssh -i ~/.ssh/mclarenkey.pem

It will take a few minutes for the setup script to run. You can watch it in action like so:

tail -f /var/log/syslog

Our server is now running!

View it here:

If all is well, you'll be sent straight to!
More useful are the feed urls:

Remember to pop into your nginx conf file and configure your POST IPs!

In the final part in the series, I'll cover monitoring.

Thanks for reading! I guess you could now share this post on TikTok or something. That'd be cool.
Or if you had any comments, you could find me on Threads.
