Australia - Adelaide & Alice

Adelaide is a nice enough town I guess, but kindof small, cold and very rainy. I had a cold for most of the 5 days or so I was here, so didn't get much done.

I got the train from Sydney which took around 26 hours to Adelaide. Unfortunately not being royalty, I can't afford the sleeping carriages, and while the seats are quite big, they're not great for sleeping in. I got a break in Adelaide, then another 16 hour trip to Alice...

Forget what they told you in school. The world isn't round. It's flat. In every direction. Just flat for miles and miles. A few shrubs I guess, and grass (it's winter), but not much else. No kangaroos (sigh).

When hills come into view, you've made it to Alice Springs. A small, inoffensive town that closes rather early. There are Aboriginals here, which I haven't seen so far in Oz. Next stop, the Rock...

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